Travel Dances

Once a month we visit a nearby club and join them in their club dance. It’s great fun to meet different people and dance to a different caller.

Here we gather in a parking lot to enjoy coffee & donuts before car-pooling to Wells, Maine to dance and celebrate the 50th Anniversary Dance of Nubble Lighthouse Keepers Square Dance Club.
(November 2022)

Some of us had time to do a little sightseeing.

It was exciting to dance with a total of eleven squares! The day ended with a wonderful dinner in Maine.

Dancing Conventions

71st National Square Dance Convention

Each year there is a Regional Square Dance Convention. Over a thousand dancers from all over New England and Canada enjoy square dancing from late Friday afternoon through noon on Sunday. This event is usually held on the third weekend in April.

In late June there is a National Square Dance Convention. Many thousands of dancers from around the country join up for many days of dancing fun. In addition, our club members enjoy touring in the area of the convention (which changes every year).

Square Dancing Weekends

Dancing on a bridge.

Once each year many of the club members go away together for a full weekend of mostly square dance activities. For the past several years we have selected the last weekend in October to go to the Inn at East Hill Farm. Callers Bruce McCue and Jack O'Leary (the Silver Sounds) run this weekend along with a selected cuer. There are no scheduled dance activities on Saturday afternoon, so we have time to go touring in the area. One year we were hiking along a stream and found a beautiful little wooden bridge. We couldn't resist testing our dancing abilities.

 Revised: 12/3/2022